Our newest film is about a girl, a shitty date, an encounter with a rapist, and a werewolf. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in seeing? p.s. : It's also a love story.
Ace grew up in the Emerald City and Scoter blew up here in a tumbleweed from central Or-e-gon.
The two collided in head-to-head combat in Fall 2004 for what would be the match up of a lifetime.
Seriously though, we met at Seattle Film Institute on September 13th, 2004. We started dating on January 16th, 2006. We got married on July 9th, 2007.
Now we're poor and hopeless, with no end in sight. Who's to say that's a good thing? Or bad thing? Who knows. At least we have our baby, Andrew.