My first project at SFI, shot on one role of Super 8. The incredible part is that the video is JUST shy of 3 minutes, which is as long as one role of Super 8. Even more incredible: I must have cut at least a good 10 seconds off from the final copy.
(October 2004)
My second project was a music video. I chose The Shins song "Young Pilgrims". I approached the process with virgin ears, listening to endless amounts of music I had never heard before, trying to create an impression from a blank slate. I also had a goal to mix my usual quirk and difference with a more difficult task: I wanted to try and adapt the lyrics literally. I wanted the dialogue to be reflected in the image. I also wanted to try my hand at working with children, since it's apparently incredibly difficult and something that should never be done. Luckily, I showed the two kids my treatment and they did the rest. It's hard to ask a 10 and 11 year old to create violent imagery and make it whimsical, light, and approachable, so I didn't. They just took their interpretation and they seemed to understand the story, which helped make it workable for me not only as a director, but an editor, too.
Here's how it all went down:
(March 2005)
My last (4th) individual project that I had time to complete while still attending Seattle Film Institute was my Demo Reel. It turns out that even though I shot a considerable amount of the footage and directed everything on the reel, this ended up not being a cinematography OR directing reel. This is more geared toward my editing. It is about 3 years old now and I have since improved drastically. There are some slight impovements to the old model, so sit tight for the durataion.
(July 2005)