For Nuutti: "Paisley Goes To Hell" auditions at SFI from Sat. 06.21.08
Here they are!
Hopefully stuff clicks together and you won't have to stress about some stuff anymore starting with the watching of these.
:) :)
We made the monologues kinda fun . . . Also, Jon and Ray wrote their own stuff. Enjoy Jon's. It's fun stuff . . . :) I'm so excited to do the project and I am really looking forward to seeing you. I think 3 years is a ridiculous amount of time, especially since we have had to endure people from the class that we totally never wanted to spend time but we love being around you and you're so far away. Hopefully the future holds a job in Vancouver for you within the next couple of years or so. That would be perfect ;)
Enjoy how we spent our Saturday:
(and -- THANK YOU, KYLE!!!!!)
The Stills:
The Videos:
The Script Readings
The Guys' Monologues
The Gal's Monologues
As usual, thank you to any and all people out there who take the time to view our page. We appreciate you spending moments enjoying, disapproving, and/or making fun of the things we love to do. We thank you for any appreciation you have for our projects, and feel sorry for you if you don't understand us; even though we don't understand us, we find it sad that you feel the same way we do. Now I take a curtsy and exit stage left. Thank you for your visit.
<3 Ace
Busy little Bees . . . & A's: We're finally ready to send our latest baby, our pride and joy, into the world.
Today is a very big, important day for us, and this month is going to be huge!
In a couple of days we find out if we were selected to be put on the www.FilmRacing.com page. On May 9th and 10th we took part in a 24 hour film contest. At 10pm on Friday the 9th we received a theme and action that we had to include in our film; Sharing & Washing A Window. From then until 10pm on Saturday the 10th we had to write, cast, find locations, gather costumes and props, shoot, edit, and deliver the project. We shot mostly in and around Woodinville and edited in North Seattle. Once the film was completed, or in our case, if we had under 20 minutes to deliver it, we then had to rush to the Diesel store in the heart of Downtown on Pike. We made it with one minute to spare, and that's no joke. As we drove Downtown we counted away precious seconds, hoping our hard work would not be in vain.
On Wednesday, May the 14th at approx. 9:30pm, we premiered our film at The Egyptian on Broadway; our favorite theater in all the land. We all had the big glory moment: saw our names on the screen. Brandon and I got to go up on stage at the theater to speak about the film. Afterwards we listened for buzz from the audience and we were definitely mentioned among several groups. That not only is good for us in a word-of-mouth way, but everyone got to vote for 3 0f 18 films and anywhere from a few to 7 or so will be posted online in the next couple of days. If we make an appearance we would greatly appreciate your vote to help us grab up the Online Audience Award.
Before we get to the film I would like to mention those involved:
Ace Cox . . . . . . . Writer/Director/Supporting Actress/Make-up/Story By
Brandon Cox . . . . . . . Director Of Photography/Editor
Andy Heye . . . . . . . Sound Design & Editing/Supporting Actor/Story By
(Dennis) James Hardin . . . . . . . Lead Actor/Story By
Seth McGinnis . . . . . . . Original Score By
Mami Shimada . . . . . . . Very Special, Important Thank You & A Big Hug
So, here are the films:
The first one is a DIRECTOR'S CUT. We spiffed it up in the weeks since the screening adding some fun things we'd discussed as a group but did not have licensing for. So please excuse our bad licensing manners . . .
"SMEAR": The Director's Cut
Here is the real McCoy; the one we put it all on the line for and we will be judged for numerous awards based on the impression this film makes on the judges and audiences (fro the screening and online).
Please enjoy greatly. Thank you.
"SMEAR": Theatrical Release
Here is Brandon's latest wonderful art piece that I am very proud of. He pieced this together in barely a few hours from footage taken about one year ago in the back alleys of he Belltown area. I'm deeply in love with French New Wave cinema and he made this to me that side of his filmmaking and editing abilities. I think it's so great! It's a little video love letter.
Please excuse us again for our bad licensing manners. As part of the love letter he included some of my favorite music; some of it fits and some of it makes itself fit because it is charming. Very much like some of my favorite people. The first piece of music is 'La Vie En Rose' by the late Edith Piaf and the second piece of music is a Daniel Johnston song called 'Devil Town' covered by Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes -my personal favorite musician/band.
So, here is what we lovingly named it:
"Back Alley Journey To La Nouvelle Vague of Cinema" Back Alley Journey To The French Wave of Cinema)
Finally, here is a clip that only exists for Nuutti. It is nothing special or of particular interest to anyone else because it simply will not make sense.
Nuutti, My Darling,
The kitchen is very open and overlooks major parts of the downstairs. As you can see, the downstairs bathroom is rather dark. The first upstairs one has two sinks; I don't know if that was ever part of anything you'd envisioned or thought about, but . . . then obviously I would straighten that up and make it a blank slate for you. It sounded like that's the general direction you wanted the bathroom to go in. Blank and empty so the audience can focus on Paisley and reflect on the inner emptiness that exists in the character. Is that about right? Then the last bathroom is very bright, like I'd said, and it's not so much white either. So there are those. I'm also assuming that the bathroom location be congruent with the kitchen in that they be the same general age. So if the kitchen is newer and modern, the bathroom wouldn't make sense being something like the one in our apartment where we are shooting the water divider stuff. Is that also something along the lines of what you were thinking?
On another note: It seems Vaughn really wants to meet you. (I'm so sorry; like I'd said, I'm getting pretty tired and I still feel terrible.)
"Vaughn's House Tour: Presented by Ace"
That one makes me laugh. How stupid.
Well Nuutti, that's that for this afternoon. I need to sleep a little; next up I'll send you fun audition posting layouts & examples; let me know if you put something else onto YouTube; I'll be looking forward to it. :)
Thank you all for visiting. As usual, your business is very much appreciated.
Take care!
<3 Ace
There Will Be Blood if "...my baby can't do her 'Booty Back And Forths'!!
That video was mildly hilarious the first time, but gets even better. 2 1/2 weeks ago they ran Ellen Page's episode again and I just crack up at this skit every time it crosses my mind. Which is often.
In other news, we may have almost been run down today by the crazy chick who lives accross the street. Andrew and Seth knows what that one means. ;)
By the way, have I ever mentioned how much I love and adore Wikipedia? I do. It' my favorite. And DON'T EVEN get me started on LostPedia.com. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
Alright, we must continue in our adventure that is Freaks And Geeks. How, with my history of favorites like My So Called Life and obscure choices like Flash Forward, did I wait this long to take the advice I have been given for years to see this damn show? We're about to embark on disk 3 0f 6 in the complete collection of the long running program. I predict there will be laughs, there will be snickers, there will be adoration, and last but not least, now everyday of our lives There Will Be Blood. Watch out future movie nights! Here we come!
Night folks!
<3 Acep.s.
I've just been handed this breaking news: There will NOT be pickles or mayonnaise. We are out of both. This sucks because we just bought a whole bunch of sandwich stuff and now we need more. It really does suck. Also, I am thinking about having some of that free Pike Place brew I got today. I really want some, or just coffee in general.
That is all. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.